Local gourmet delights

La Gastronomie Bretonne et les jours de marchés
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Discovering Brittany also means awakening your taste buds and testing regional culinary specialities....

​During your stay in southern Brittany, you will be amazed by the tastes and colours of the local Breton produce and seafood.

Treat yourself to the delicious, sumptuous seafood platter (shrimps, crab, clams, prawns, winkles, oysters…), to fresh fish (bass, sole, sea bream, red mullet, mackerel, sardines…) to the famous sweet and savoury pancakes with a bowl of cider, andouille from Guémené, the delicious “niniches” from Quiberon, salted butter caramels, far breton, kouign-amann (buttery pastry)…

Make the most of your stay in Brittany to visit the gourmet food fêtes and markets.  You are sure to find top quality products that will delight your tastebuds.

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